Beautiful Taiwan Association is like a platform, integrating resources to create a better society by developing collaborative vertical and crabwise partnership with government, schools, NGOs and industries. Especially, young people are encouraged and served to be a part of learning projects. At the same time we bring powerful creative energy into NGOs and promoting a friendly cycle and multi-wins.

Our Idea
On the basis of care and solicitude, we integrate environmental, cultural, artistic, industrial and academic resources so as to provide diverse opportunities of social services for youth to dedicate themselves to. We encourage those who agree with us to make Taiwan a better place through authentic action.

What We Do

Changing Banner
In Taiwan, millions of banners are produced out of companies and candidates’ need for promotion. All these banners can weigh several hundred tons in total every year. While the amount is so big, the average“life cycle” of these banners is sadly short--only two weeks. Afterwards, they are thrown away because their raw materials are not recyclable. These wastes become a great burden to the nature.
On the other hand, the beautiful Chinese characters and pictures on each banner presents different aspects of Taiwan's culture. “Why don’t we upcycle the banners, at the same time, reduce the quantity of trash? ”
We start developing projects based on the concept “Reduce, Reuse & Upcycle”, and collaborating with students, artists, NGOs, and government officials. Annually, we organize creative exhibitions to advocate environmental education. From the economic perspective, participating in the remade process of the banner products helps the underprivileged make a living themselves.
We believe that everyone should treasure their lives and resources, and make lives easier and simpler.
International Volunteering

Nowadays most of the social services exist only for the people who are old, poor, or disabled, and it seems that it's the accustomed way to cherish what we have already. But isn't it too sad to just value sufferings as our reflections to life?
We believe that "serving" can happen in every part of our daily living, but when we serve, self-awareness is also important, because everything on earth will eventually parish, so what can we do to pass on something that will stay eternally?This is a journey that travels through time and space. Cambodia, as Taiwan fifty years ago; Japan, as Taiwan fifty years later, let us observe and feel the changing process when we get involved with the people, environment and culture through different time and spaces. From the past, present and future, we attentively know more about the world and ourselves, and ponder on the value of life.
Our vision
After attending international service learning programs, further, we encourage youths to join more social services in the communities they live, and by giving their best to help they will also develop a more solid friendship with local people.
Zero Waste Action
Everyone who joins this project will share their creativities and work together to give the recycling materials new lives! We treasure our island, and this is our goal to build Taiwan a non-rubbish country that we can make good use of everything.

Collect Banners